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A celebration of the American Heart Association’s one hundredth anniversary is being held at the Roanoke Regional Heart and Stroke Walk



Roanoke, Virginia – Cardiovascular disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the United States, and on Saturday, people from all over the region joined together to provide a hand in the fight against these two prevalent diseases.

Because they wanted to show their support for the American Heart Association, they participated in the Roanoke Regional Heart and Stroke Walk.

In River’s Edge Park, there was a gathering of people who had survived heart disease as well as the loved ones of those who had fallen victim to the disease.

Tammy Smith, a woman whose father passed away from heart illness a year ago, had a conversation with us. Her father had survived a heart attack and a stroke two years apart on separate occasions.

“It is really important that we raise awareness so that people don’t have to go through what he went through, and that we raise money so that we can fight this disease,” she added. “It is extremely important that we do both of these things.”

Taking part in the commemoration of the American Heart Association’s 100th anniversary is the walk that is being held this year.



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